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Matchbox Pictures - Crowd-Funding

Matchbox Pictures Films- Crowd-Funding Overview

"Crowdfunding is the process of raising capital from many individuals, who believe in a venture or cause, each making small donations that add up to a lot." - Crowdsourcing

The concept of reaching out to the crowd is not entirely a newfangled idea. In 1858, the first Oxford English dictionary was created using the expertise of many thousands of volunteers. The practice is more prevalent in the modern day as the Internet has made it easy to connect online with people that would otherwise remain unknown. Crowdfunding can be used to raise money for a variety of purposes, from philanthropy and political campaigns to loans and music albums. Until recently, due to limitations on how small businesses and startups can attract capital investment, the concept of crowdfunding has been mostly used by creative and charitable organizations. A recent legislative change has put an end to that and a new dawn of fundraising is beginning.

Matchbox Pictures will offer some projects and/or portion of projects to be available for crowdfunding. Below are any of the projects/films that we are offering the general public to be a part of.


"Crowdfunding is the process of raising capital from many individuals, who believe in a venture or cause, each making small donations that add up to a lot.."


Crowd-Funding Opportunity Now Available for 'Cheat'


At the core of Matchbox Pictures are the founders, who bring to the company successful industry experience and in depth production and business expertise. This team is complemented by a support group of writers, story editors, consultants, lawyers, accountants, directors, cinematographers, post production facilities and executive producers. The three principals have experience in both creative planning and business. Dwight Coughlan has significant commercial productionexperience and is well versed in the film industry from both a creative and financial standpoint. Gary Elmer and Greg Sager bring years of active International film & HD production expertise as well as production development, management and execution.




Be a part of the film industry and make a pledge and help produce 'CHEAT'. Many pledge levels to choose from. Click the INDIEGOGO logo to the left and it will take you directly to our 'CHEAT' page. Thanks for joining us and being a part of our exciting thriller 'CHEAT'.


Devil Seed - Now available on DVD & VOD

"...head and shoulders above any – and I mean any – recent possession flicks (I really can’t stress this fact enough)."
- Blogomatic3000
